Friday, 9.26.14

Happy Friday!


Bear Complex 3-3-3-3
(Power Clean-Front squat-Push Press-Back Squat-Push Press) – Start at 70% 1RM of Push Press

Against a 10 minute running clock:
500 Meter Row(AFAP)
then, with the remaining time, AMRAP:
7 Power Cleans (135 / 95)
12 Knees to Elbows

Score will be total rounds and reps completed, but note (remember)
500 m row time for board

Bonus Work:
6x50m sprints (30 seconds rest between)
Doubleunders(some of you have slipped in your practice! Make it a rule of thumb to do or attempt at least 25 DU’s after every WOD!)
Row for Calories (only 5 more days left of the challenge!)

One short little note…the numbers have slipped quite a bit this week; what’s up with that?!? If you want results, you’ve gotta work for it! Get to the box!!

See you tomorrow(Friday!)

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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