November Athletes of the Month!


Mike & Molly Bax

It has been a pleasure having both Mike and Molly, and now Allison at CrossFit Unstoppable! And it is cute seeing Avery run around to mimic the CFKids! I have enjoyed watching them excel as athletes in the CF world and always strive to be Better Than Yesterday in whatever they do…happy to have you part of the CFU family!!

Congrats to you both! Now go lift something heavy! 🙂

Molly Bax

I have been married to Mike Bax for 10 years and we have two girls. Allison is four and enjoys Crossfit Kids and Avery is two and likes running around the box and trying to be like her big sis. I am a registered nurse, but over the last year I have been staying at home full-time with my girls.

I have been doing Crossfit for two years this past October after my husband found it. Who knew I would willingly (usually) want to work out at 5:15 in the morning.

My favorite movements involve a barbell or kettlebell, with the exception of thrusters. When I first started my least favorite movements were the snatch and overhead squat because they were so awkward, but now I enjoy them both.

At CFU I love the community. It is welcoming and makes you want to come to the box and workout. Crossfit has improved my self-confidence and showed me I am capable of much more than I thought.

Mike Bax

See Molly’s for our life details 🙂
Work: Mike – Engineer – Central Electric Power Cooperative

I started Crossfit in May 2012. I remember having a softball game the next night. We did something like 7 mins of pushups, squats and sit-ups the day before. I could barely swing the bat. Molly was pregnant at the time with Avery. She had the baby in August and I got her talked into doing her 101 that October. I’m not sure I have stopped being sore since. It’s a I’m getting stronger kind of sore though.

We both WOD hop quite a bit. I mainly go to the nooner and 4:30 WODs. I have been coming to the 7:30am super fun workout on Saturday’s.

My favorite workouts are the simple ones like Grace and Helen. Some sort of barbell movement and one or two other things. I hate AMRAPs for some reason.

I’ve gotten to meet a lot of great people at CFU. I keep telling myself that I want to get back into running and someday I may. I just can’t get myself to pick going out and running by myself for an hour over coming to the box. I guess it is a lot more fun suffering with others than alone.


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